Going Town.

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I needed a shower. Drove across the state to have a hot one. 

There’s a carpark in the city that’s got one nearby. All the vans pull up there. Everyone knows about it.

Each day a new van pulls up and the passengers will begin walking around with their bathroom kits and towels asking for the location of the fabled hot shower.

It’s under the restaurant.  

Like the Highway.

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This is Hum and his son. Their Nepalese.

‘Like the Highway’ he said when we first met. I used to work with Hum in Melbourne years ago. Cooking.

The dude knows how to move. He’s a gun.

He cooked goat curry for staff meals on a few drizzly winter evenings.

When he stopped cracking jokes and grinning I’d know we were in the shit.

They worked him hard at that place. He was sponsored. Earning that PR.

Over 70 hours a week was normal.

A couple of years after leaving Melbourne I was visiting town and we met up.

He was still working for the same Restaurant group but soon he’d be running his own shop.

We went to Mt Dandenong to see the view. It was Drizzly.

He showed me the cafe he was getting set up in the outer suburbs.

Then we went back to his house and  ate goat curry.